Oct 3, 2013 | Design Benefits, Energy Efficiency
Years ago I attended a week long training course in the conference center of a large hotel right on the beachfront. The food was pretty good but the conference room felt a bit like a dungeon! There were no windows at all and one of the presenters had this cruel theory...
Aug 23, 2013 | Design Benefits, Energy Efficiency
It’s a beautiful winter’s day in Brisbane (Australia) today: blue skies, 23C with a breeze blowing from the west. Unlike most other office workers around the city today, I can actually feel the breeze. It’s not because I’m working outside though, it’s because the air...
Aug 9, 2013 | Design Benefits, Energy Efficiency
“For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”- H. L. Mencken (1880-1956) The energy efficiency of a building is influenced by many different design aspects. Orientation, insulation, ventilation, shading, sealing and building size are...
Jun 6, 2013 | Design Benefits
It’s not unusual to see Altair Louvre Windows in award winning designs and in the pages of glossy magazines. Not only are they a very stylish window, but they also remain functional at unusual shapes and sizes, allowing them to be fitted in unusual wall spaces, and...